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Showing posts from February, 2014

ADT Pulse Review - Great, with a "but".

ADT stopped by our house on Friday to upgrade our Brinks security system to an ADT Pulse system.  There was nothing wrong with our old Belkin system - but we're ditching our AT&T landline, so we were going to need a security system that ran on cellular communications.  And ADT Pulse definitely fits the bill. There's just one thing I wish was different.

Back to WOW! (Or, "Wow, AT&T. Really?")

As you may recall, we spent quite a bit of time and energy bundling and unbundling our TV, internet and phone services. And we're not done yet.

Mesa, Arizona - Home of the Chicago Cubs and Apple.

I haven't been to Phoenix for a few years. (Granted, this polar vortex has me rethinking that course of action.) My grandmother spends her winters down there (and statistically speaking, so does yours), and millions flock to the area in February/March for MLB Spring Training. And now, two of my favorite companies in the world - Apple and the Chicago Cubs - call the same Phoenix suburb their year-round home. That Phoenix suburb - Mesa - recently invested heavily in both entities. Here's why.