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Going Underground #4 - More Foosball Table Restoration!

As you may know, AAAD isn't just an Apple rumors or tech-discussion site. It's about integrating iOS and Apple into all aspects of our home. And sometimes, our DIY home fix-it projects have nothing to do with tech. Like the foosball table in the basement.

What "Killer Feature" Can We Expect from the iPhone 5S?

Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty was on CNBC "Fast Money" this afternoon , and suggested that the iPhone 5S will have a "killer feature" that will differentiate the phone and "drive consumers increasingly to the platform".  We've previously suggested that the iPhone 5S will need to be a substantial improvement over the iPhone 5 - which, we believe, will get a new plastic shell and will become the new multicolored "low-cost iPhone".  Because if the iPhone 5 is $350 without a contract, why buy a 5S?

TiVo Requiem Part 2 - Laggy, Underpowered, and Costly

This is the hardest post for a TiVo fan like me to write.  TiVo was never a market share leader in the DVR space - at least not after the cable companies started offering their own barebones DVR service.  But they were a thought leader, and a features leader , and the competition wasn't close.  For consumers, the choice was clear - pay your cable company to rent a lousy UI and basic, ugly DVR, or pay a little bit more to buy an elegant, cutting edge solution from TiVo.  And then that status quo completely fell apart. 

Why I Gave Up On TiVo. A Requiem in Three Parts.

It's hard to write this post. I've been working on it, off and on, for quite a while. You see, I'm an unabashed TiVo fanboy. For about a decade, we bought almost every box TiVo ever produced. We owned their stock. We even picked up TiVos for our parents. We were TiVo evangelists. And for the first time in 12 years, there isn't a single piece of TiVo hardware in our house. How did this happen? Well, gradually, and then suddenly.

The iPhone 5 is Dead. Long live the New, Colorful, Low-Cost iPhone 5!

AppleInsider had an article today discussing the rumored "low-cost" iPhone. According to their sources at KGI Securities, the new low-cost iPhone will have the standard iPhone 5 form factor and 4-inch screen, with a "super-thin casing made of plastic and glass fiber". That makes sense. Assuming this is true, it also gives us a huge clue about how Apple intends to balance their position as a "high-end" phone maker with the introduction of a low-end model.

Review: TV Network Apps

We downloaded CBS's new app last night.  While they have big plans for integrating their "CBS Connect" functionality in the future, for the moment, it's precisely what you'd expect: the last few episodes of the network's primetime programming, along with a handful of extras.  As with any other TV network app, it can be useful. Just not, you know, THAT useful. 

CBS joins ABC, NBC, PBS, HBO with native iPad app

There are a number of ways to get TV shows for free over the internet. We use AirPlay to stream shows from Netflix, from the HBO GO app, from the PBS app, and from the ABC app.  It looks like CBS is joining the party.