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Spring Preview #2 - Fire Pit and Patio Wall

Yesterday we talked about replacing parts for a Weber Genesis E-310. Today's discussion is about our other 2013 outdoor project - adding a patio retaining wall and a built-in fire pit.  Neither project is particularly difficult (or expensive). They just require an awful lot of heavy lifting.

Spring Preview - Cleaning and Repairing a Weber Genesis Grill

Now that the winter is ending (allegedly!), it's time to come out of the basement, and get started on the outdoor phase of our home renovation projects! Spring cleaning time.

High Five #9: Our 5 Favorite iOS Games, Right Now

By now, you've probably tried a ton of iOS games. And your App Store account probably has hundreds of games in your "Not On This Device" folder. This High Five isn't the "greatest iOS games of all time". I'm not putting Angry Birds or Plants v. Zombies on the list. It's the games we're enjoying the most right now.

100 Posts of AAAD!

I'm going to be busy with work for most of today, but I just wanted to mark an anniversary of sorts - yesterday was my 100th post on this blog. I hope that some of these posts have been fun and informative for you. It's been fun for me to log the progress - or lack thereof - of our various home projects. New High Five tonight!

TiVo Requiem Part 3 - Streams, Minis, and Playing Catch-up

If you haven't read the two  prior   posts in this series, here's the quick summary: For a long time, TiVo was the "luxury brand" DVR. Sure, it cost more, and you could go with the cable company's DVR service - but their interface was terrible and their boxes were ugly. And TiVo was selling the beautiful Series 3. It cost more, but it was worth it. A DVR to be envied.  Then, everything changed.