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Basement Update - DIY Projects!

We are quickly approaching the "end of the beginning" of our basement remodel. "Phase One" was the rough-in - plumbing, electrical, HVAC, drywall, and sprinkler systems. It's almost done, and it looks great. Which means it's time for us to start Phase Two: The DIY projects.

AppleTV is Getting Folders with tvOS 9.2!

It's not often that a new Apple OS feature REALLY gets me excited, but this one qualifies. AppleTV is getting folders. YES.

Project Update - Basement is Almost Complete!

Well, the rough-in of the basement, in any case. We plan on doing much of the finish work ourselves. But at this point, we've passed our electrical and plumbing inspections, and the insulation and drywall is being installed. It should look like a usable, mostly finished space in no time.

How To Use Plex on AppleTV

Well. That was easy.

Apple's Remote App Now Works With AppleTV!

Today saw the release of tvOS 9.1 and watchOS 2.1 - that's usually boring news, but today is a bit different, as it means a big leap forward for convergence across iOS devices. 

Apple Music Finally Comes to Sonos!

They said it would be done by the end of the year, and they got it done with a month to spare. According to Yahoo , Apple Music is now able as a music service on the Sonos platform!

A Very Apple Basement Remodel - Now Underway!

We've been talking about the BIG project for quite a while. It's the basement remodel. And now, we're finally started. But what steps do we have to take to ensure that we end up with the iOS-enabled smart home we want?